Bayink Falter, Nurse Practitioner, via Imgur/Reddit/TikTok (left and right); and Kelly Killeen, MD, FACS, via Instagram (center)

“This is Dr. Falter, who is a DNP [Doctor of Nursing Practice], so he is not a physician. And he is calling himself a board-certified, fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon. And this person is in Las Vegas, I think the website was vegaspsurgery and he goes by DrHansomeLV.”


Remaining context by Staff Reports, Surgical Times —

Internet archive,, April 23, 2024:

“Dr Bayink Falter, a DNP – Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Plastic Surgeon with a passion for sculpting beauty and restoring confidence. With advanced training and experience, Dr. Falter combines artistry and precision to deliver stunning results, he specializes in personalized care, ensuring each patient unique needs are meet with compassion and expertise. Trust Dr. Falter to redefine beauty and empower your best self.” – From, April 23, 2024, via as it appeared on April 23, 2024, via, captured August 30, 2024 as it appeared on April 23, 2024, via, captured August 30, 2024

Internet archive,, August 28, 2024: as it appeared on August 28, 2024, via, captured August 30, 2024, August 30, 2024:

Screen capture of, August 30, 2024 @ 7:32 AM PST
NP doing cosmetic surgery
byu/NyneBany inNoctor

Surgical Times reached out August 30 to Bayink Falter at the contact address listed for his practice——but has yet to hear from him.

Daily Chart is a curated list of the best plastic surgery stories and reporting on the Internet, provided with original author and source attribution. It is our general policy to pull only the two opening paragraphs from sources, but we may skew that for purposes of balance and objectivity. Daily Chart is compiled manually. Headlines are rewritten. For comments or concerns regarding curation, please email