Element5, Pexels.com

“We had actually put the checks in the mailbox outside of our office and just kind of didn’t think about it,” Dr. Garrett Harper, a plastic surgeon with Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery, said.

A week later, Dr. Harper was scrolling through his business’ online banking when he noticed something that was off.

“I just kind of casually texted our accountant and said, ‘hey, did you end up writing this check to a patient for whatever reason?’” he said. “She said ‘no, but I did write that exact amount to the North Carolina Department of Revenue.’”

Daily Chart is a curated list of the best plastic surgery stories and reporting on the Internet, provided with original author and source attribution. It is our general policy to pull only the two opening paragraphs from sources, but we may skew that for purposes of balance and objectivity. Daily Chart is compiled manually. Headlines are rewritten. For comments or concerns regarding curation, please email info@surgicaltimes.com.