Kristina Tansavatdi MD (left) and alleged Turkish facelift patient result (right), via @FaceliftExpert, and @EsteIstanbulTr

I came across these plastic surgery results from Turkey and as a facial plastic surgeon, it frustrates me to see these being billed as real plastic surgery results.

It is duping the public… please, don’t be scammed by before-and-afters like these. Because the before and after, those patients are both not the same person.

[Surgical Times reached out to and heard from the concerned clinic in September 2023. The clinic, then going by the name DrMayAesthetic and now by EsteIstanbulTR, changed its story on the source of these images, then blocked Surgical Times after it presented information it had received regarding digital alterations. Following a later case of faked before-and-after results for which the clinic was sued (May-June 2024), the clinic changed their social media handles for the fourth time, causing links and embedded reposts from media organizations to detach from the clinic’s accounts, ultimately obscuring its identity. Surgical Times remains blocked today, yet remains open to all comment or corrections regarding these cases.]

Daily Chart is a curated list of the best plastic surgery stories and reporting on the Internet, provided with original author and source attribution. It is our general policy to pull only the two opening paragraphs from sources, but we may skew that for purposes of balance and objectivity. Daily Chart is compiled manually. Headlines are rewritten. For comments or concerns regarding curation, please email