Goals Plastic Surgery Atlanta
via PR Newswire

A controversial chain of cut-rate plastic surgery clinics whose doctors have been accused of horribly botched procedures and sexually exploiting patients on the operating table is blaming a rogue staffer for leaking its dirty laundry to the media.

In a $5 million lawsuit obtained by The Independent, Goals Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery accuses onetime office manager Ashley Baldwin of violating federal law by exposing alleged wrongdoing by its surgeons without the affected patients’ permission. The suit says Baldwin breached “trade secret and medical records laws” by offering sensitive medical records and photos she said showed grave malpractice by Goals, to “no less than” 60 news outlets.

The complaint was filed July 31 by the entity that controls and administers the retail-level Goals practices, and claims Baldwin was not a whistleblower, but rather, a disgruntled employee who continues to carry out “a wide-ranging campaign of proverbial corporate terrorism.”

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