In its premiere episode, aired Monday, America’s top rhinoplasty surgeon and international author/educator Dr. Rod J. Rohrich dives right in.
Hot topics, actionable advice, politics, and personal anecdotes. These are insights into life à la 2021.
“Rohrich Knose,” now a daily podcast, is available on YouTube.
Creator Rod J. Rohrich, Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, is widely known and highly regarded within the professional community, but his new “Rohrich Knose” podcast is actually for the layperson, future or former patient, and anyone else in need of lessons on life and leadership.
“I’m going to help you believe in yourself,” he says.

Hot Topics, But No Cancel Culture.
Dr. Rohrich is already the face and voice of a running, seven-year, 215-video series on “Plastic Surgery Hot Topics.”
In that series, he typically recaps and relays the research behind breaking and important studies published in the PRS Journal that he is Editor-In-Chief of.
In Rohrich Knose, he shares his own hot-topic thoughts and strongly encourages dialogue.
“We’re not gonna have cancel culture. We’re not gonna cancel anybody. We’re gonna talk about what it’s like to be an American, a Texan, and what it’s like to live in 2021, pre, intra-, and post-Covid.”
Rod. J. Rohrich
“Some of it may be political, so don’t be bothered if it’s a political thing. ‘I’m just gonna be me.”
“I think it’s a trying time for America and it’s a trying time for medicine,” he says.
“And of course, with COVID, you know, who do you believe? Can you believe the CDC, the World Health Organization? Probably the answer to that is maybe and sometimes not, and that’s a real problem.”
By way of a specific that most Americans can possibly relate to, Dr. Rohrich brings up the rapidly-changing mask/no mask practice—or policy, depending on what state you live in.
“But I think there are certain truisms,” he says. Stay healthy, wear a mask if you aren’t vaccinated.
Patience, Perseverance, Persuasion
But for the better part of the 18-minute premiere, Dr. Rohrich focuses on grounded inspiration and advice illustrated by off-the-cuff quotes recalled from Churchill and Trevor Richardson, and anecdotes about Washington, Lincoln, and Edison.
“Look at the tenacity of guys like Thomas Edison. He tested that incandescent bulb 10,000 times before the first one worked.”
Rod J. Rohrich
“Never give up, have passion, have focus. Believe in yourself, because if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody’s going to believe in you.”
You can be the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk if you think big and think outside the box, he says.
Dr. Rohrich says he writes down the three things he is going to do daily, and starts and ends every day on a positive thought.
As for life goals, they’re a must, but instead of approaching them in three- or five-year chunks, consider your three- and six-month goals, he says.
If in print it all sounds quite grandiose or even pretentious, it’s because missing is Rohrich’s unaffected manner of speaking.
He’s widely read and clearly accomplished, yet humble. Simple and relatable. He’s speaking with you, not at you.
Raised from ranch life and milking cows at 5:00 a.m., today he’s a household name at least as far as plastic surgery goes.
It’s not always Hollywood, but most of Hollywood isn’t as glamorous without it.
Some days are a grind, he says.
“You have to have an incredible work ethic and if you have that, that’s the best gift that I can give my kids, that you can give whoever you’re in contact with.
“If you can show them that the power of working, the power of passion, and the power of focusing gets things done, that’s what made America great today.
“And we seem to have lost that, so we have to get that back and I hope to be able to help you get that back in your life.”
“Luck is an opportunity meeting a prepared mind.”
Dr. Rod J. Rohrich
Watch or listen to the premiere episode here.