Breast implant illness (BII) is an unofficial medical diagnosis that refers to a wide variety of systemic symptoms believed to be related to and caused by saline-filled or silicone breast implants. BII treatment involves implant removal surgery, with some surgeons and patient advocates suggesting implant capsules should also be removed. Studies by McGuire, et al., published in September 2023, suggest the condition should be more properly referred to as SSBI, an acronym for Systemic Symptoms Associated With Breast Implants, that has yet to be accepted widely by women in affected communities.

As breast implant removal becomes increasingly common, one plastic surgeon who acknowledges the illness is “very real” wants patients to be prepared for the procedure’s aftermath. Patients’ symptoms may not resolve upon implant removal, and the pre-explant breast aesthetic may…

Let Me Get This Off My Chest is a 127-page memoir by Tara Hopko detailing her dire experience with breast implants, breast implant illness, and her path to recovery.Book: Let Me Get This Off My Chest, © 2018 Tara Hopko.…

Killer Breasts is a 300-page book on breast implant illness, breast implant removal, and the process of physical and emotional recovery, written and self-published by Diane Kazer on May 5, 2020.Book: Killer Breasts, ISBN 979-8647227539 Kazer’s book is “a compassionate…

The number of U.S. women having their breast implants permanently removed increased by 47 percent in 2021. Nearly 365,000 women underwent breast augmentation surgery in 2021, getting breast implants for the first time. Another 219,000 women, who already had breast…

For the second time in four months, a woman has gone viral for revealing that her breast implants had grown moldy. Both women had saline breast implants. Both women attributed ill health conditions to their breast implants. And both women…

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