Written, produced, and directed by filmmaker Al Nuke (Curtis Franklin), BOTCH, based on a true story, tells the tale of a college student who sought to become a plastic surgeon but who…
A 17-year-old Vietnamese girl is blind in her left eye after getting cosmetic filler injections of uncertain type and origin by unlicensed providers at a local barbershop. The girl, partially recovered after…
The Chinese embassy in Seoul, South Korea is warning citizens of the risks involved in undergoing plastic surgery in South Korea, which it says range from death, to deceptive advertising, to medical…
Update 02/28: The ‘Dr. Kim’ TikTok account has since been banned and removed. Another remains live, listing only the same contact information Kim did. An elusive plastic surgeon’s postoperative facelift results have…
Former patients of botched cosmetic surgery procedures face difficult challenges in fundraising for their own repair surgeries. Others face similar hurdles in defending themselves against lawsuits filed by providers. Defamation Defendants: £5,000…
Spend a moment on TikTok or scrolling through Instagram’s Reels and you’ll run across a video by Robert Tolppi. Or more than one, statistically speaking. It’s what more than 48,000,000—that’s 48-million—viewers have…