America’s most popular plastic surgeon knows aging is inevitable but believes most of us are doing it wrong.
His 8.5-million followers on social media are central to his new book, “Younger for Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best With The New Science of Autojuvenation.”
Some, he says, say the doctor could pass for a 20-year-old.
Others, polled by Youn, said they wanted a book on a holistic anti-aging program, which Youn promises this one is: a comprehensive anti-aging program backed by science.
Anti-aging and “autojuvenation” are the focus of his fourth and latest book, published January 2.
Youn, currently 51, hopes to live to 100 if he can—or to join his friend, biohacker Dave Asprey, at 180.

Youn’s book on the “new science of autojuventation,” perhaps too simple to get him or the rest of us there, is filled with practical advice and anti-aging options worth strongly considering, and which are backed by 234 listed references and 10 years of holistically treating patients.
Youn says Younger for Life is the “culmination of my twenty-five years as a plastic surgeon and anti-aging expert,” and that he hopes readers “can look in the mirror every day and smile because you love how you look and feel.”
Youn’s Younger for Life Protocol details a multifaceted approach to dieting, supplements, and skin care, complete with recipes, food to enjoy or avoid, and suggested skin care product lines.
Readers wishing to go beyond these for deeper changes are welcomed to the “Younger for Life Protocol 2.0,” in which Youn shares non-surgical treatment suggestions for age and sun spots, and sagging, sinking or drooping skin.
Not much is suggested by way of plastic surgery, but a “Holistic Plastic Surgery Companion Book” covers that, free to buyers of the book.
Radio-frequency microneedling is the gold standard for skin-tightening, he says, and Morpheus8 is the best option currently available for it.
Tangential discussions are equally intriguing and offer a glimpse into the thought processes of a holistic plastic surgeon—one who questioned long ago whether the pinnacle of his professional career was a full facelift surgery schedule, after a devastating complication.
Not unaccustomed to hot topics, Youn also shares his nuanced perspectives on fluoride and tales of EMF-interrupted sleep, and says that second only to quitting smoking, “one of the best things you can do for your health and appearance might be” to down a small glass of red wine daily.
But for even greater benefits, pair that glass of wine with a “piece of dark chocolate,” he says.
Dark chocolate is “at least 70 to 80% cacao,” he says, and Dry Farm Wines is not only his own occasional go-to, but is the choice of “a lot of people in the holistic health field.”
Youn lets readers know he is a plastic surgeon, “not a nutritionist, fitness trainer, endocrinologist, cardiologist, or neurologist,” but that he’s spent thousands of hours over 10 years “learning a way of treating patients that I was never taught in medical school or residency.”
“I’ve learned that food is medicine, that meditation adjusts brain chemistry and structure, that movement triggers changes in the body that don’t happen in sedentary people, and that what you put in your body, as well as what you put on it, can transform how your skin ages,” he writes.
Peppered throughout the nearly 350-page book are anecdotes of several people who’ve undergone parts of what Dr. Youn has termed the “Younger for Life Autojuvenation Jump Start.”
In one “autojuvenated” case involving no obvious expenditure, a 55-year-old male surgeon previously diagnosed with eczema and rosacea alters his diet according to Youn’s program, gradually reducing a decades-long habit of fast and deep-fried foods and soda.
“His energy soared, and he felt better and healthier than he had 15 years earlier,” Youn writes, adding that though he “still had rosacea, eczema and the occasional pimple,” his skin was less red or inflamed than it had been in years.
Youn, who is also the author of “In Stitches” (2012), “The Age Fix” (2016), and “Playing God” (2019), hopes his fourth book will become his first New York Times bestseller, and says it is the first that has the potential to do so. (Youn’s “The Age Fix” is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller.)

On, where bestseller lists are more plentiful, the book has been the “#1 New Release” in the Happiness Self-Help, Longevity, and Anatomy categories, and a “#1 Bestseller” in Preventative Medicine. On Saturday, Younger for Life placed sixth in Amazon’s overall “New Releases” category.
Readers buying the book from Youn’s website,, can receive gifts valued at over $100, including a companion recipe book and guide to holistic plastic surgery, printable shopping lists, and a gift certificate of $30 off at
There, Dr. Youn describes why he wrote the book:
“There are programs for what to eat or supplements to take to improve your health and longevity. There are skin care programs and programs that instruct you on non-invasive treatments. But I don’t think there has ever been a program that combines all of these into one. What should you eat, supplement, put on your skin, and do every day to turn back the clock and stay looking as young as possible?
“So several years ago I embarked on a journey to create just that. This labor of love has become YOUNGER for LIFE, the culmination of my twenty-five years as a plastic surgeon and anti-aging expert. Now I’m happy to share it with you, so you can look in the mirror every day and smile because you love how you look and feel.
“Remember to always AUTOJUVENATE™ before you operate.”
Anthony Youn, MD, on “Younger for Life: Feel Great and Look Your Best with the New Science of Autojuvenation,” published January 2, 2024
Update: See also Surgeon’s Anti-Aging Book a Bestseller, Jan. 10, 2024.